Are you nervous about an upcoming procedure? Dr. Jeff Tulett will go over each treatment thoroughly, making sure our patients are familiar and comfortable with every step of their treatment. But if a patient is especially anxious about a visit to the dentist, our office can offer sedation dentistry in Hardin, Montana.

Sedation creates a state of relaxation or unconsciousness in the patient. This allows our dentist to work on the patient and complete their treatment more quickly and effectively. The sedation agents are safe, tested and certified for dental use. Sedation can be administered in many forms, depending upon the patient’s needs. Hardin Family Dental’s options for sedation are:

  • IV sedation: This sedative is injected directly into the patient’s bloodstream through the use of an IV, and our dentist can easily control the level of sedation throughout the treatment.
  • Nitrous oxide: Also known as laughing gas, this sedative is combined with oxygen which is inhaled through a mask placed over the nose. Once the gas is removed, the effects wear off quickly.

At Hardin Family Dental, a board-certified anesthesiologist will administer your IV sedation and monitor you during your visit. If you have questions or are worried about an upcoming appointment involving sedation, phone 406-665-3300 to talk with a member of our dental team.